Our Memories is a mural project that we helped organize as part of Professor VanWynsberghe's Education for Sustainability program at UBC. The mural drew attention to stories from older Punjabi women living in Sunset neighbourhood through literature and public art. This project has involved community engagement and participation at every step of the way.

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ਸਾਡੀਆਂ ਯਾਦਾਂ :Our Memories
Celebrating Sunset Neighbourhood Stories Through Literature and Public Art
What is it?
ਸਾਡੀਆਂ ਯਾਦਾਂ : Our Memories is a creative placemaking project that draws attention to stories from older Punjabi women living in Sunset neighbourhood through literature and public art. From conducting research, to facilitating a 20-week written and oral storytelling project, to developing public art with a Vancouver muralist, to publishing a literary anthology, this project has involved community engagement and participation at every step of the way.
Why is it needed?
Public art and park activations bring communities together through shared experiences and activities. Literature allows us to reflect and develop empathy for stories that we can both relate to and learn from. By centering the stories of older Punjabi women through literature and public art at Ross Park in Sunset neighbourhood, the local community benefits from a deeper understanding of the older generation living in the region. In the past, public space activations have typically by-passed this region of Vancouver, and this project addresses this disparity directly. The currently activated space now enhances opportunities for intergenerational learning, connection, play and contributes to the development of neighborhood identity and iconography.
Outcomes & Highlights:
To view the ਸਾਡੀਆਂ ਯਾਦਾਂ : Our Memories public art, visit Ross Park located at 57th and Khalsa Diwan Road in Sunset neighbourhood.
To read the ਸਾਡੀਆਂ ਯਾਦਾਂ : Our Memories literary anthology, scan this QR code:

EfS Graduate Students:
Alyssa Martens, Bryant Race, Danielle Tan, Brendan Chan
Media Response:
Vancouver Public Space Network
Muralist's Portfolio
The Ubyssey

“When you understand all about the sun and all about the atmosphere and all about the rotation of the earth, you may still miss the radiance of the sunset.”
– Alfred North Whitehead, Science and the modern world (1926)